Where is Club Paihia resort?

Club Paihia is a private resort located in the middle of Paihia township in the Bay of Islands, Aotearoa, New Zealand. The address is 67 Williams St Paihia, within a short walk to the main shopping street, restaurants, and waterfront. Set in bushland seclusion, it’s built on the side of an east-facing slope, so capturing the morning sun.

What does timeshare mean?

Timeshare is the term used to describe shared apartment ownership of one week’s holiday resort accommodation in any calendar year

How does timeshare work?

Timeshare is the ownership of a Certificate of Title for a property, in the same way as private land & dwelling, or commercial property is owned. In this case, the apartment has multiple owners (51) who have an entitlement to book a week and occupy that unit at that time, provided they have paid their annual maintenance fee for the forthcoming year.

What does Holiday Ownership mean?

Holiday Ownership is the term used to describe what was previously known as Timeshare. When first introduced to New Zealand in the 1980’s timeshare was a new way for families to afford a holiday in a primary tourist destination on a regular basis. Developers seized the opportunity to build resorts where multiple owners could join at a fraction of the cost of a holiday home that was only used once or twice a year! The Unit tiles Act was the appropriate vehicle to secure ownership for the buyer and the resorts were soon up and running. It was an American idea and with it came all the hype of over promises and sales tactics that were suspect, to say the least. As time passed those owners who were told they were buying an appreciating asset discovered when it came to selling their titles, that this was not the case. From the disappointment of past experiences, it was decided to adopt the “Holiday Ownership” label to overcome the stigma from the early days. Today all Club Paihia owners seeking the “Holiday Ownership” lifestyle choice can have the confidence to enjoy their very affordable holiday entitlement anywhere in the World.

Are there beaches nearby?

Yes, it’s a short walk from the resort to the tree-lined waterfront where you can hire kayaks and Hobbie catamarans or swim to the pontoon anchored off the beach. It’s a 5-minute walk in the opposite direction to Tii Beach with its picnic barbecue areas, children’s playground, and sandy foreshore.

How does holiday ownership work at Club Paihia?

Club Paihia has 53 units each with multiple owners totaling over 2800 individual titles, which is administered under the Unit Titles Act 2010, the same way as a residential apartment. All financial members vote to elect a chairman and six committee members, being the Body Corporate committee, at an annual general meeting. The elected Body Corporate committee oversees the running of the resort. Among other duties, the Body Corporate committee has outsourced the day- to-day running of the resort to Classic Holidays. The management contract with Classic Holidays has just been extended for another two years and likely will be renewed going forward.

Who is “Classic Holidays”?

“Classic Holidays” is a family-owned provider of Holiday Ownership services to resorts in Australasia and the Pacific region for the past 40 years. Head Office is on the Gold Coast, with a New Zealand office in Christchurch. These services include owners’ unit bookings, exchange resort bookings, grounds & building maintenance, human resources and financial management on a day-to-day basis. They are members of the New Zealand Holiday Ownership Council and manage twelve of those resorts from the Bay of Islands to Queenstown. Owning an apartment at Club Paihia means automatic membership in the Classic Holidays suite of destinations and services. In addition, their Space Banking and Exchange & Play programmes offer Club Paihia owners a connection to affordable international travel and accommodation anywhere in the World.

Holidays How do I manage my Classic membership?

All Club Paihia owners automatically become Classic Holidays members when they own an apartment at the resort. They are given a member number and can access the Classic Holidays website <classicholidays.com.au> with their individual password. The website is very user-friendly, with several pathways to information about destinations, resorts, travel services, and member account details. Backing this up with telephone contact to a local office in Christchurch on 05057888 makes it quick & easy to manage and plan your perfect holiday!

Who is the New Zealand Holiday Ownership Council (NZHOC)?

The New Zealand Holiday Ownership Council is a network of fifteen Holiday Ownership resorts in New Zealand. Membership also includes three holiday management companies that have offices in New Zealand, of which Classic Holidays is one. NZHOC offers members a forum to promote Holiday Ownership in New Zealand as well as keep up to date with legal compliance & marketing initiatives in the holiday accommodation and tourist industry.

How many types of apartments (units) are there at Club Paihia?

Club Paihia has two types of units called a fixed week and a floating week. Fixed week entitlements are automatically booked for the owner in the same apartment each year in weeks 52 (December), 1,2,3,4 (January) as it appears on the owner’s registered title.

What is the advanced booking window?

Owners can contact Classic Holidays NZ on 0508 578888 to go on the ballot for a holiday week, up to 12 months (52 weeks) before their arrival date. This is useful to ensure your booking, especially for public and school holiday weeks throughout the year. At 32 weeks (8 months) before your arrival date, the advanced booking window opens and Classic Holidays will contact you to confirm your earlier request. All owners have another 4 weeks of preferential booking at the resort before it opens up to the Exchange Companies to place their guests from other. After that, a small number of units are kept for owners to bookcloser to their arrival date but are quickly snapped up. A calendar is included on the Rentals and Sales pages to help you find the best weeks to book in advance.

How many styles of apartments (units) are there at Club Paihia?

Club Paihia has three styles of apartments, studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom units. There are four (4) Studio units in Chalet two that have a double bed/kitchenette set up. The other eight (8) Chalets have a mix of one and two-bedroom units.

How many people are allowed to stay in each style of apartment at Club Paihia?

At Club Paihia, studio apartments sleep two (2), one-bedroom apartments sleep four (4) and two-bedroom apartments sleep six (6) people. Please go to the Homepage of the FoCP website <www.friendsofclubpaihia.co.nz> to view the size and layout of each apartment type.

What does the annual maintenance fee mean.

shared amongst all the owners. The fee varies according to the type (size) of the unit and falls due on the 15 th of December each year. It is determined by the Body Corporate Committee for the following year and a schedule of the current fees is displayed on the FoCP web page <Sales & Rentals>. All annual fees must be paid before an owner can book or use their entitlement.

What if I don’t want to use my annual entitlement?

If the apartment owner has paid their annual maintenance fee and does not wish to use their entitlement in the following year, then one of their options is to “Space-Bank” it for future use

What does “Space-Bank” mean?

This is the practice of depositing your annual entitlement in a reserve “Bank” with Classic holidays or another approved booking service such as “7 Across”. The unit is then held for up to three years till the owner uses it themselves at Club Paihia or exchanges it for another resort destination somewhere else in New Zealand or Overseas,

Can I rent out my week’s entitlement to someone else?

This is the practice of depositing your annual entitlement in a reserve “Bank” with Classic holidays or another approved booking service such as “7 Across”. The unit is then held for up to three years till the owner uses it themselves at Club Paihia or exchanges it for another resort destination somewhere else in New Zealand or Overseas,

Can I stay for less than my week’s booking?

Yes, you can arrive late and leave early but there are no refunds for the days not used. Some owners split their week privately with friends or family to use the full benefit or rent out the days not used to a paying guest. The same conditions as renting out a full week to a guest apply and it’s the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the apartment interiors and linen are cleaned and ready for the new arrival.

How do I make a booking to use my annual entitlement?

Classic Holidays provides the booking service through their website classicholidays.com.au and Ph: 050578888. They can assist you to book your week at Club Paihia, or exchange it for a week at another resort in New Zealand, Australia, the Pacific, and further afield. They can also “Space-bank” it for future use.

What is cancellation Insurance?

Cancellation Insurance is available for an additional charge of NZD 34 which enables you to cancel your booking up to 72 hours before arrival and have your entitlement refunded for future use. It ensures against unforeseen disasters or health issues of one or all of the guests, which these days, is more likely than ever before. Due to the current Covid 19 pandemic, it is recommended, to take out the Cancellation Insurance when you make your booking

What are the check-in and departure times at Club Paihia?

Club Paihia has two arrival days, on a Friday or Saturday depending on which Chalet your apartment is in. The check-in time on both days is 4 pm to 6 pm and the check-out time is 9.30 am a week later. If your arrival is expected to be after 6 pm then a phone call to the resort reception will ensure the arrival pack will be in the office lock box outside the office. They will also give you the security code to open the box. Always check your booking confirmation details for the arrival date & day of your stay as mistakes can be embarrassing.

How does owning an apartment at Club Paihia compare with other Holiday options in the Bay of islands?

There are owner’s private sales listed on our FoCP website www.friendsofclubpaihia.co.nz < Sales & Rentals> page and check out the listings. Look for the type and style you prefer, then the price. Finally, please note the number of banked weeks which are part of the negotiated price. When the listing number is selected complete and submit the expression of interest form and we will arrange an introduction to the seller for you both to come to an agreement and help you transfer the title through our preferred conveyancer. We can also be contacted on 021904977 for additional information prior to making your choice.

Who are the Friends of Club Paihia? (FoCP)

Friends of Club Paihia consist of Club Members who have formed to promote the resort and help members pass their titles on to new owners to share the enjoyment they have already experienced. Our vision is to make Club Paihia the best holiday ownership resort in New Zealand. It is already the largest holiday ownership resort in New Zealand and our mantra is “affordable family holidays for all!” Many of the current owners joined when the resort was first established in 1983 and are now over eighty years old or more. They recognize that their travel and holidaying lifestyle is limited so need to pass their apartment to our younger generations. We operate with the acknowledgment and support of the Club Paihia Body Corporate committee but are a separate entity in our day-to-day operations to promote the resort. FoCP is a volunteer group existing on donations, but even so, has established a comprehensive website <www.friendsofclubpaihia.co.nz> with associated marketing material and listings of owners’ apartments for sale and for rent.

How do I buy an apartment at Club Paihia resort?

There are owner’s private sales listed on our FoCP website. <www.friendsofclubpaihia.co.nz> < Sales & Rentals> page where you can check out the listings. Look for the type and style you prefer, then the price. Finally, please note the number of banked weeks which are part of the negotiated price. When the listing number is selected complete and submit the expression of interest form and we will arrange an introduction to the seller for you both to come to an agreement and help you transfer the title through our preferred conveyancer. We can also be contacted on 021904977 for additional information prior to making your choice.

How much are the transfer legal fees?

Many owners have had their thirty-plus years of enjoyment and are happy to on-sell, with the buyer paying all conveyancing fees as part of the agreement. FoCP has made a special arrangement with a conveyancer who specializes in the transfer of holiday ownership titles and can introduce them to the buyer when an agreement has been reached. There are sometimes small and annoying legal hooks that increase the cost of a title transfer but mostly they are with the seller prior to the agreement being finalized. These costs, if they occur, should stay with the seller, but it is rare, and most agreements are simple and straightforward. The starting price from our conveyancer (including all documents for both the buyer and seller, including the GST component) is $985.00 which is a fraction of normal legal fees in today’s market! Unless you have a very good friend or relative in the legal profession, you should be talking to us.

How do I as a Club Paihia owner, list my apartment for sale?

If you are an existing owner wishing to list your apartment for sale with FoCP, please request the registration form to <info@friendsofclubpaihia.co.nz.> We will send it to you and list your apartment when the form has been completed and returned.

Do you have a Facebook page?

Yes, we have a Facebook page <friendsofclubpaihia>. It is separate from the Club Paihia Facebook page managed by Classic Holidays.Owners can use it to post photos and items of interest about their recent stays or events at the resort. Our Facebook is an information page, and all apartment sales and owners’ rental inquiries should be directed to our website, <friendsofclubpaihia.co.nz> or info@friendsofclubpaihia.co.nz email address.

Where can I park my trailer boat or jet ski?

Club Paihia has a dedicated parking area for trailer boats and jet skis. There is a lockable freezer and gear storage room plus a stainless- steel fish filleting station. It is necessary to advise resort reception and book your boat into the park before arrival. The Club Paihia reception contact number is 09 402 8311.

How do I book for the Bay of Islands tourist attractions?

There is a comprehensive display of posters and brochures of tourist attractions in the Far North, (including the Bay of Islands) in the owner’s lounge. There is also a video showing on our in-house TV channel. Bookings for all local tours and trips can be made through Club Paihia resort reception.

Is there a gymnasium at Club Paihia?

Yes, there is a fully equipped gymnasium in the core block. Access is by key obtained from reception and must be returned after use. The gymnasium also contains showers and a sauna room. Please bring a towel to wipe down the equipment after use. Towels can be obtained from reception free of charge.

Can I recharge my EV vehicle at Club Paihia?

There is no dedicated recharging facility at the resort but there are two angle parking EV charging stations 200 metres on Williams St opposite the Paihia 4 Square grocery store.
