Purchasers are reminded that FoCP offers this Club Paihia unit sales and rentals service at no charge to the seller or buyer and does not, at any time, intend or imply any Real Estate agency practice on the part of FoCP.
The Sellers List
Get in touch with your enquiry about the available units and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you! Check out the listings to find the type of unit you seek and quote the serial number of that unit when making your enquiry.
FoCP unit Purchase Guide March 2021
Tips and tricks
Welcome to the Club Paihia’s unit listings to help you the purchaser to choose the listed offer that best suits you. All negotiations are, at-all-times, between you the buyer and the listed seller. The listings are arranged in order of size then fixed or floating weeks, starting with studios (sleeps 2), one bedroom (sleeps 4) and two bedroom (sleeps 6). Fixed weeks also show the actual week and the unit number. (weeks 52,1,2,3 & 4). N.B. Title to fixed week 52 offers the owner the opportunity to receive an additional week 53 every 5 or 6 years at a partial extra cost (about two thirds of the annual maintenance fee) if they wish to take it up. This happens because of the way the date falls on the last Friday of the year and varies because of leap years. Fixed weeks are automatically booked and confirmed for the owner provided the annual maintenance fee is paid up to date for the coming year. |
Floating weeks apply to any booking made for the remaining weeks of the year (5- 51) and can be booked up to 32 weeks prior to the desired arrival date. No floating week booking can be confirmed by Classic holidays without the annual maintenance fee being paid up to date for the coming year. N.B. If a floating week is required earlier than 32 weeks in advance, a phone call to Classic Holidays NZ office 050 8578888 can help secure your intended dates when bookings open. Legal fees are required for the transfer of the title to the new owner in the event of the sale going ahead. Typically, the legal fees are paid by the purchaser as part of the purchase price, although this may be a point of negotiation between both parties. FoCP has negotiated a special rate for conveyancing the agreement for sale and purchase which is less than $1000 for both buyer and seller and includes GST. N.B. This rate applies where there are single or dual owners and sellers but may incur added charges where multiple owners or Trusts are involved. Banked weeks are additional booking entitlements carried over from the current or previous years, where the owner has chosen not to use their week and are valuable to the buyer as part of the negotiation for sale and purchase. Three weeks is the maximum number of banked weeks on any listing and any banked week is valid for 3 years from the time of booking. N.B. Inclusion of banked weeks in the agreement does not automatically guarantee they can be booked by the new owner and depends on the availability of a week at Club Paihia or an exchange resort. |
The following is intended, only as a guide, as all transfers of ownership are subject to negotiation between both parties to reach agreement for sale and purchase. |
Steps to selection.
Select the type of unit that you require, either floating or fixed. Check all the relevant offers for the best price (which starts at $1.00 + legal fees.) Check the banked weeks which potentially add value to the purchase as they may be booked by the new owner up to December in the current year without any additional cost. If you have selected a floating week then contact us by email or txt and request the details of the owner and quote the listing number. We will then forward the owner’s details to you to negotiate the sale. You may ask for the details of more than one listing. When the agreement for sale and purchase is concluded please advise us so we can confirm with the owners and (if need be) help you both arrange the conveyancing and title transfer. |
If you have selected a fixed week: We can advise that all the listings are for “Offers +legal fees” and that the offers vary between owners. We can also advise that the last 2 bedroom fixed week unit sold for $3000 + legal fees with the maintenance fee paid for 2021 and no banked weeks. In addition, the last 1 bedroom fixed week unit sold for $1 + plus GST with the annual fees paid but the 2021 entitlement already used and no banked weeks. We would expect the current maximum sale price at Club Paihia for a 1 bedroom fixed week to be in the region of $1500 + legal fees but this is always negotiable depending on the urgency of the sellers. If there is more than one listing that offers the same terms you may request all the relevant numbers. When the agreement for sale and purchase is concluded please advise us so we can confirm with the owners and (if need be) help you both arrange the conveyancing and title transfer. Purchasers are reminded that FoCP offers this Club Paihia unit listing service at no charge to the seller or buyer and does not, at any time, intend or imply any Real Estate agency practice on the part of FoCP. |
If you need any additional help with your selection, please call/txt to 021904977
We need Help! Please support FoCP
The Friends of Club Paihia (FoCP) was established to support the resort members with up-to-date information about the resort, items of local interest in the far North and to provide a data base of owners wishing to exit their unit title. We are all volunteers to keep costs to a minimum but there are always ongoing costs which rely on donations from interested supporters of FoCP.
If you are happy to contribute, even in a small way we would appreciate your help and donation (no amount too small or too large). Our bank account number is 12-3101-0003263-02 REF:donation CODE: FoCP